Online Video Distribution System
The Video Distribution Revolution Has Begun!
The Purple Publishing Suite – for Video Publishing
This is the perfect way to sell your videos, software, ebooks and other digital download products. The Purple Publishing Shop sets up in minutes, is branded with your header, and launches right from your website, social media, mobile devices, emails or anyplace you’d like. There are no monthly fees! Your customer can buy your video and watch it on their smart phone or iPad. They always have the video even if their hard drive crashes or their computer dies. If your customer has a computer near the TV, they can watch it on TV with a $15 DVI to HDMI cable. Or use Apple TV to beam the video wirelessly to a TV. Unlike a disc, that might become scratched, warped, or lost, your customers never lose access to a Purple Shop purchase.
You don’t have to worry about a shopping cart, security certificate, or merchant account. You set your prices, Purple Publishing Shop covers all sales expenses and accept VISA, Mastercard, Discover, American Express and PayPal. The Purple Publishing Suite was formerly called The MOD Machine.
No Monthly Fees!
There are no membership fees, server charges, hosting, storage or bandwidth charges.
Purple Platform retains a percentage only when your products sell:
1. There are credit card/transaction fees of usually 3% + .30 per sale (1% extra for sales outside the U.S.). (Click here for a complete schedule of credit card/transaction fees.)
2. For sales through your own Purple Shops, 15% of each sale is retained. You keep 85%.
3. For sales generated through Purple Marketplace (not your own Purple Shops), 50% of each sale will be retained, which we split with the shop that sold your product and any marketers that led the customer to that sale. You get 50% which is very high compared to others.
4. For sales of other publisher’s content through your shop, you will make a 25% commission. In this case, credit card fees are not deducted.
You sell one of your $20 products through your Purple Shop:
– $ .60 (3% credit card fee)
– $ .30 (cart fee)
– $3 (Purple Platform revenue share)
= $16.10 (you receive)
One of your $20 products is sold through Purple Marketplace:
– $ .60 (3% credit card fee)
– $ .30 (cart fee)
– $3 (Leaping Brain Labs revenue share)
– $7 (Purple Marketplace revenue share)
= $9.10 (you receive)
You sell a $20 product through your shop from another publisher:
25% (commission)
= $5 (you receive)
So here are the numbers in a nutshell:
85% of your product sales from your Purple Shops PLUS
70% of your product sales from Leaping Brain University, PLUS
50% of your product sales from the Purple Marketplace network, PLUS
25% commission on sales of other content owner’s products through your Purple Shop
Instant Inventory
It’s really tough to start a credible media business if you only have one or two titles at launch. That’s where our revolutionary Purple Warehouses make it possible for you to launch with numerous titles. Choose from over 5,000 excellent titles in our Purple Warehouses to add to your shop. You’ll have credible number of products and you’ll make a generous affiliate commission on other peoples’ products.
Offer affiliate deals at any commission you choose. The affiliate payouts are handled by Leaping Brain. Your affiliates get a dashboard login so they can see their sales in real time, see and export reports, etc. You make $49.50 for each affiliate you sign up. (There’s a one-time, $99 signup fee to the affiliate.)
With the included Purple Marketplace your videos are continually exposed to new audiences through a growing network of Purple Shops. The Shop also works for rentals, subscriptions, and coupons. Any digital product can include additional files. For instance a video may easily have a companion CD, PDF or other digital assets.
When the customer buys from your Purple Shop, he gets an automatic paid invoice by email. You get the customer’s contact information. He is YOUR customer and no one else’s so you can market to him, but no one else can.
Place your Purple Shop on your web site with one line of code. Customers can launch your digital store and immediately buy a video without ever leaving your website.
Some Purple Shops are doing hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales per year. Others are doing far less. Currently, 15.6% of the people who view a Purple Shop make a purchase compared to the traditional 2% – 3% conversion ratio of most marketing campaigns.
Purple Shops Making Money Right Now:
Almost forgot – Here’s the VideoUniversity Purple Shop. We’re in the process of adding more videos to this collection.
Purple Desktop Player
A powerful desktop media launch pad for OS X and Windows in which your customers can download and enjoy your videos in a luxury, high quality, piracy-proof software environment.
Forget crappy streaming-only systems and loose movie downloads that give your products little to no perceived value. The video is downloaded to your customers computer where it can be viewed on your branded player. This player can be promoting your videos throughout a global network to everyone who has a Purple player, much like a smaller scale cable TV network. It’s like having outside people sending your catalog to their customers. There is nothing like this.
Full Screen HD Blu Ray Quality
The Purple Player plays full screen HD perfectly, even on older computers that cannot play a movie from iTunes or a stream from NetFlix! No stuttering or videos that look more like slide shows. No other Internet video platform can securely deliver Blu Ray video quality and flawless playback performance to 99%+ of viewers globally, even those with a very slow or intermittent Internet connection. While the most successful videos in the system retail for $39.95 to $59.95, the Purple Machine is very successful at higher price points due to the extremely high-value presentation platform.
Leaping Brain pioneered streaming video in the 1990s, and have trained most cable channels, Hollywood movie studios and tens of thousands of others how to encode and deliver streaming video. But until Internet last mile bandwidth improves substantially, watching streaming HD is a horrible experience for about 1 out of 4 people in the U.S., and about 60% internationally.
Purple Dashboard
Real time sales reports, customer data export, coupon codes, Purple ShopBuilder and much more. You can even manage affiliates here. You can sell your videos in other peoples’ Purple shops and they can sell their products in yours. A lot more earning potential than the alternatives.
Purple Marketplace
Your products can be continually exposed to brand new audiences through a growing global syndication network of Purple Shops, giving your products unlimited sales potential. These affiliates sell your products for a commission. Likewise, you can other complimentary videos or content from the Purple Marketplace to round out your offering and increase your income.
Customer Support
The friendly support staff at Leaping Brain will take care of you and your customers if there’s any question or problem.
Purple Publisher Suite And Save 50%
What you get:
Purple Publisher – product authoring and publishing software
Purple Shop – the perfect way to sell your videos or digital products. Purple Shops set up in minutes, are branded with your header, and launch right from your website, social media or anywhere else you’d like. No security certificate, merchant account or shopping cart software needed.
Purple Cloud – the world’s fastest CDN (content delivery network)
Purple Desktop Player – a luxury, 5 star desktop media launchpad
Purple CloudPlayer – instant access from almost any computer, tablet, smartphone or smart TV
Purple Dashboard – with real time sales reports
Purple Marketplace – Global product syndication
Purple Warehouse – promote other content for extra profits
Customer Support – The friendly support staff takes care of you and your customers if there’s a problem.
Buy today and start new income streams. This special shopping cart has a coupon code attached that gives you 50% off the regular price, so your cost is $199.00 only $99.50! This product comes with the VideoUniversity 90 Day Money Back Guarantee.