October 19th 2010

Have you delivered a project on Flash Drive yet? Some wedding videographers are finding they can avoid authoring a BluRay disk by offering the BluRay content encoded on a thumb drive. These drives are certainly not as cheap as BluRay disks but in some situations, they may be the ideal delivery medium. USB ports are nearly universal on PCs and laptops.


You can customize drives with your logo. You can pre-load the Flash drives with an auto-run video brochure, or a thank you to loyal clients. There are also USB Wallet Cards.


Drives can be pens, Swiss army knives or made in any shape – a carrot, a workman, a small truck. Anything you can think of. Check one of these companies:






The biggest catch is that you can’t give them to every prospect because they cost more than DVDs. You might pay $19 ea for 25 custom printed thumb drives. But for a special situation or special clients, they can be ideal. And it doesn’t have to be all video. Customized bulk flash drives can also be preloaded with PDF files, Word documents, audio, and pictures. You can choose to make the files non-deletable.


And if you are producing a marketing video for a company, this can be a great delivery option to offer them. Put their logo on it and embed their marketing video in it. You might put an intriguing headline on the outside case. Something like “12 Steps to Improve Your (fill in the blank)” and let the video give all the details.


Non-Profits use them as fundraisers. Like selling Girl Scout Cookies, volunteers pre-sell the thumb drives for a fundraising campaign. The thumb drives are delivered at the end of the fundraising drive. One manufacturer offers no money down until after the fundraiser. The volunteers take orders on a pre-printed order form which includes a picture of the drive. At the end of the fundraiser the non-profit sends the forms and the money to the manufacturer. The non-profit keeps a previously determined percentage of the price. One California high school earned $2000 this way. For more info see http://www.bulkflashdrives.com/ideas/fundraising/


What else? Family Reunions, School Sports Videos, Business Meetings, just about anything you might produce a video of.

What Can I Do To Help You?


These could be the seven most important words you utter. They can change your life and your business. You probably already use some variation of this question to customers or prospects in your business. It’s a good sales and marketing technique. And when a customer answers, I’ll bet you really do try to help them and not just sell them. Me too. It’s fun and is probably good for business.


But what if you asked everyone this question? Even people who are not in a position to do something for you. What if you asked the question just because it feels good and you might actually be able to help someone in a small way? Who knows if one day this will ever pay you back. That’s not the point. It’s a good thing to do. So try ending a conversation with that line. Or asking a stranger. And when you get an answer, stand behind your offer.