Breaking news can happen anywhere, anytime. But because most news agencies do not have reporters everywhere all the time, many news agencies today depend on so-called stringers or freelancers to capture and deliver footage they can use on air.
What’s more, with the ubiquity of inexpensive digital video cameras and camera-equipped cell phones, ”˜citizen journalists’ are not only capturing raw video footage of breaking news events, they are packaging and delivering their own completed news reports to TV and Web-based news organizations.
Depending on the quality of the video footage and the policy of the news organization, you may be paid for your contributions.
1. Speed is of the essence if you capture a breaking news story on video. Contact a news agency or TV station as soon as you can, and connect with the News Desk or Assignment Editor if possible. You might also speak with reporters and journalists who show up at a news site after you do.
2. Explain the situation or news story briefly, and describe what kind of video footage you have captured. Technical quality may not matter as much if the news footage is compelling and unique, but the better your camera and camera work is, the more likely a station will use it.
3. Demonstrate your commitment to ”˜news’ and the value of the story first ”“ then talk about the value of the footage itself and ask how much the agency might be willing to pay for its use. Payment can be for a one-time use or airing, or it can be for outright ownership and exclusivity.
There are some Web-based companies that act as agents for citizen journalists and freelance news videographers, buying or acquiring footage and then marketing it to a wide range of TV or Web outlets on their behalf.
I have video of violent street fight in Stanton Ca, i am soliciting all news channels to sell this video.
Raw footage of the after math of a horrific fatal motorcycle accident on Sunset Blvd on July 28-2015. Video to major news networks
You will have to contact the news organizations directly. They won’t contact you.
I have a 5 min great footage of the meteyor wash up close and clean . Captures 6:15 pm tonight nov 7 2015
I have footage of seminole tx. Well explosion from12-8-15to 12-12-15. Front roll videoso and pics
If you want to sell your footage, try posting it on YouTube with superimposed text so it won’t be stolen. But posting it here is a waste of time because the buyers of news do not read these comments. Better than YouTube, contact the news organizations directly. Why tell us? We don’t buy news footage. They do.
Vehicle fire with fatalities in Autozone parking lot South Sacramento, video from start to finish, fire fighter cutting out panel to exhume. Best offers for your local morning news. Steve 916-889-1495
I have some very bizarre unexplained footage taken while on a flight. It has to be seen to be believed. I wish to sell said footage.
I have a video of the fire near the cathidral
I have footage of shots being fired at people last night in Memphis Tennessee.
I have footage of police in Pembroke Pines Florida attempting to save two victims who drowned in their vehicle. I also have footage of a man who was one of the first to dive in and attempt to pull the victims out.
How do you say I have a footage of a falcon attacking a pigeon in the Brooklyn scaffold in the projects and eating it and taking off with the pigeon
I have the accident that happened around 1230 on I 95 south. Please call
I have a meteor in perfect 1080hd center framed on a full moon sky that lit up the night just like day! Exploding in to a multitude of colors before burning out. A once in a lifetime video captured on my dash cam. Local news wants it. I don’t know what to do. In slow motion it’s insanly beautiful.
I would be interested in seeing that footage and knowing what you would charge
I have 3min video of mothership UFO over Plymouth
“There are some Web-based companies that act as agents for citizen journalists and freelance news videographers, buying or acquiring footage and then marketing it to a wide range of TV or Web outlets on their behalf”
Can you provide the names of these web-based companies please?
Thanks – offers 50/50 split on commission and you maintain copyright
Have footage of Cosmo dinardo friday the 7th
Footage for flood in Fields Corner
I have video of dozens of drivers going past my house at speeds in excess of 50 mph. The speed limit is 25 mph. This includes many police cruisers without lights or siren. I also have video of my neighbor backing into my mailbox and ruining the stand on which it sits. I am pretty sure he was drunk behind the wheel because he never apologized for it, or fixed it.
Brief Video of man trapped inside of a flipped car, Officer talking to man asking if he’s alright INTENSE! please email looking for quick offer….
Hello I have a fight in miami for gas station and the best is the guy damage himself and is fantastic.
I have 1 minut long video of famous artichoke pizzaria burnt down 3 moths ago in manhettan New York at 5 a.m east village
Thanks for the info, you people posting here are something else. It says right there in the article to get ahold of News stations which is the most logical thing to do. Not sure why you would post it here. ? Just sayin ????
I’m a journalist and videographer from Brazil but moved over and living in OC with full production and editing equipment. I’ve been a breaking news videographer for over 15 years in São Paulo. I’m good on the action but I need support on selling my footage over LA/OC area.
I would network with local people in the industry. Not in a competitive way, but a collegial way. Get involved with organizations and people in the local news biz.
I have video coverage of a security Planning and Response Manager TFL worker abusing his public post while he was suppose to be watching the tube monitors keeping the public safe. He was talking on a chat site with a women with his back to the monitors. He likewise shows the women the sensitive equipment inside his monitoring office breaching national security telling her what it all is and whst is job is. I also have stills of him exposing himself. TFL are conducting an investigation but refuse to comment or give fedd back to the public as they try and cover this up.
Where do I sell my home video of alien craft and light beams near them?
I have footage of a great white shark eating a Kennedy at a local beach… is that worth anything?
Have home video of alien craft dropping from the sky with two light beams.Phenomenal!
i have a brief video of a fight with a laidie and a limo driver the woman appears to wield a hammer and smashes the front window and side windows of the limousine and then attacks the driver and he appears to hit or stab her with a knife or a stick and then takes of in the limozine .vancouver british columbia .canada jun.16.2018
I have footage taken this afternoon right outside above my house there was at least ten or more small metallic lights and in the video you can see me simply getting away from the window but as I do So the lights flash brighter and so I looked out again and was video tapping and more started to appear..I was in shock still am
I have a praying mantis eating a live yellow jacket wasp in my front yard bushes
I have footage of rose parade fire
I have video of this woman letting kids fight inside of a daycare
I have a raw footage of a man in Miami area leaving a crying baby in the car for more than 15 minutes,cops arriving late to the scene after man left the scene almost running over a security while he was talking to the cops.
I want to start a website where y’all can post your videos for people to watch um cause some of the sound out right fascinating ha ha…
Don’t talk about what you’re going to do, just do it and let your actions speak for you.
Jesús Christ y clearly didn’t read the article!! Reading All these comment about I have a video of this and that sounds a whole lot like I have a video of me breathing oxygen molecules! I have a video of the sky turning blue! I have a video of people committing speeding offenses when their was no traffic enforcement around! Like come on now ya really must think all these video are unique like the post stated now wit that said some of these are super funny once you realize the trolls but before then it seems like people have the most common every day activity’s footage and they post a comment thinking their gonna get a buyer when in reality you can go on YouTube and search up almost the same exact same thing! Everyone has phones nowadays so your footage has to be truly rare in the sense that you saw for example pop smokes body being transported out the house not footage of the house he was staying at!
I hear you! Hey, I have a video of people wasting their time and producing nothing of value. Phones are the root of many of these ills. How many of those posters would have taken the time and spent a few cents to write a letter to the editor? We should rethink phones that can post something of no value anywhere. For that matter, posters should be required to pass an intelligence test. Every site and print publication in the world has this same problem. Shame, it’s too late.
Yeah, most news places don’t buy video ever. I know, I’m an Assignment Editor
I am a producer living in Rome. I have the possibility to produce news reports on political, economic, social, demonstrations and strikes with or without the intervention of the reporter from Rome including interviews with experts in every nature of news. Best