Must be picked up before February 17, 2009.
Oh, drats, we forgot about portable TVs and that digital thing!
After February 17, 2009, none of the portable TVs will work without digital converters. New portables TVs have the digital converter built-in. But there are millions of portables out there that do not have digital conversion technology. So be careful about buying a portable TV right now. Even Amazon and other giant retailers are still selling the old type, but they won’t work after February 17.
At the moment, there is only one portable converter box, Winegard RCDT09A for $39.99. This is the first DTV converter box that can be powered by batteries. These battery operated digital converter boxes are available from the Winegard company store.
This box does not have an S-video in/out feature. It only has the Channel 3 input. So small type on the screen may be more difficult to read. The unit’s main feature is that of the RCDT09A is that it can operate off six D batteries. Winegard sells the separate RC-BP9V battery pack (currently priced at $15), which can power the RCDT09A. The electronic program guide of this unit is bare bones. It only allows you to see one station at a time.
What could you do with millions of new portable TVs that will not work? Keep an eye out for those who are trying to sell these things whether new or used.
If you do decide to chuck your TV, please take it to a recycling center or put it in the electronics recycle bin at your town dump. Some TV retailers at department stores offer buy backs or exchange programs where you drop off your old TV and buy a new one with a discount or instant rebate. Or do a Google search for recycle tv anytown where anytown is your town. Or call your town hall and ask them. But it’s important that we all be responsible about this. We don’t want to pollute our own drinking water.
TV sets cause a lot of toxic pollution if they are not disposed of properly. It’s illegal to put it in the trash is most places. You could be fined if the garbage man or land fill catches you. And if you put it in front of your home with a sign that says Free, you’re just passing the problems to someone else who will probably treat it irresponsibly.
Enjoy Responsible TV.
PS. Or you can do what Walt Chamberlain is doing “I’m taking my portable TV down to South America, where it will still work ”“ I hope.” Good thinking!
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