Small Business Week For Video Producers

Be proud to be a small business owner. Small businesses create more than 70% of the jobs in this country and account for 52% of America’s Gross Domestic Product. Small businesses make up more than 99.7% of all employers. Small business is the most important part of the American economy. Home-based companies account for over 53 percent of the total small businesses.

And with all due respect to large businesses, small businesses are more involved with their customers. Because there’s no bureaucracy, small businesses can respond more quickly to customers needs. They get to know their customers so much better. How many people do you know at your phone company?

A small business can be started at a very low cost and on a part-time basis. Small business is also well suited to Internet marketing because it can easily serve specialized niches.

Most entrepreneurs are fiercely independent. They make their own decisions, take risks, and reap rewards. But as any small business owner can tell you, it’s not all peaches and cream. Long hours and lots of hard work are just part of it. But most small business owners wouldn’t change it for the world.

Small businesses are the backbone of America.