Guerrilla Tactics That Will Give You A Good Credit Rating
By Jim Bridges
COTU ,The Information Pages
Obtaining credit can be incredibly easy or extremely difficult. Once you have established credit, it can open doors of opportunity you never even considered. Credit can allow you to take the dream vacation of a lifetime, drive a luxury car, dress in the latest fashions, achieve the American dream of owning your own home, or starting your very own business.
The fact is, now that society has rapidly shifted into the fast-lane of being a cashless society, it would be almost unthinkable not to have credit. People who have the misfortune of losing their good credit rating in today’s world, will most certainly immediately begin to feel like social outcasts.
It is a very traumatic experience when people find out something is wrong with their credit. Millions of people have been, and will continue to be notified they now have bad credit. Many don’t seem to understand how it all came about! All of a sudden they aren’t as well-off as someone who still has good credit.
Without good credit, people soon discover it’s difficult to just keep up with the no-frills, everyday existence items that are needed. Unless an individual knows how to improve, increase and repair their own credit, they will have to overcome many obstacles.
Most people don’t have the slightest idea of where to begin. But once you read the following “Guerrilla Tactics” you will learn how to quickly improve and repair your good credit starting Today!
To Put Your Plan In Motion You Must Know Who The Credit Reporting Agencies Are
Credit Bureaus are extremely powerful organizations. Going against a credit reporting agency is almost like a military encounter. Fortunately, once you’re armed with the Guerrilla Tactics provided in this report, you can rise to the occasion of winning both the battle and the war!
In the beginning it may appear as if Credit Bureaus have the advantage. After all, if you are an adult living in America, the overwhelming odds are that a credit bureau somewhere knows who you are, where you live, the name of every employer you ever worked for, how many times you applied for credit, how many times you were denied or approved, and how many times you were late in making a payment. Similarly, it’s all in a credit report that, once accessed by a subscriber, will tell them whether or not you should receive additional credit. The ultimate decision is arrived at by looking at the entries in your file.
Major Credit Reporting Agencies
1.Chilton Creditmatch Systems,
12606 Greenville Ave.,
Dallas, TX 75243
2.CBI “Credit Bureau Inc.”/EQUIFAX,
P.O. Box 4091,
Atlanta, GA 30302
3.Pinger Systems/Associated Credit Services Inc.,
652 E. North Belt, Ste. #400,
Houston, TX 77060
4.TRW Credit Information,
505 City Parkway West,
Orange, CA 92667
To Achieve Your Credit Goals, You Have To Obtain Your Credit Report And Then Attack With Precision!
There are approximately 5,000 credit reporting and collection agencies operating in the United States today. If a credit problem exists, it may or may not be brought to your attention. For example, damaging inquiries and variations may appear in your file without your knowledge. However, if you apply for credit and there is a problem whereby you were rejected, you would be notified by the lender and told that the credit application denial was the result of a credit bureau report.
If you either know or suspect you have a credit problem, there is no way to know what you are up against unless you get a copy of your credit report. This is where any major roadblock to getting credit will surface.
Even before you attempt to obtain or increase credit lines, you should first obtain all credit reports that are available on you. You can accomplish that by calling one or more of the credit bureaus listed and asking for your credit report. There may be a small fee for this service. However, if your application for credit is denied by a creditor, then you can receive a credit report at no charge from the credit reporting agency. We recommend that you do not wait until a credit card company, bank, or other lender denies your application for credit, before you obtain the report.
Even if you don’t suspect a problem, you should get a credit report on yourself just to identify any false of incorrect information that might be in your file. Damaging computer errors, human entry errors, incorrect social security numbers, addresses, employers, and income errors happen all the time. At the very least, you should make certain you haven’t become the victim of computer error.
Accelerating Your Credit Approval By Matching & Controlling Connections
Bankers and lenders in a certain geographic area usually turn to one credit reporting agency. There are many, however, that subscribe to more than one. That can work in your favor because in many cases your complete credit history may never be accessed by a credit bureau located in another area.
Your credit file could list multiple damaging information in one credit report, but never show up in another! By obtaining your credit reports in advance, you will know which lender to approach for credit. All you have to do is ask!
How To Activate A Banker’s Desire To Force Money Into Your Hands!
By applying for credit through a bank or other lender that subscribes to a credit reporting agency outside the area, there’s every reason to believe that some damaging information will not appear in your file.
Remember, the only way bankers and lenders can survive is to extend credit to consumers. By taking steps to sidestep one credit report that has negative entries, and taking advantage of another that shows you as a good credit risk, creditors will practically force hard cash into your hand.
Here’s how:
1.Obtain a credit report from one of the credit bureaus to determine if there are damaging entries that might cause your credit
application to be denied.
2.Call several banks or other lenders and ask the receptionist, etc., which credit bureau they use in their application approval process.
If the individual tells you they don’t know, ask them to find out.
3.Select a bank or lender that subscribes to a credit reporting agency other than the one typically used in the area.
4.Obtain a credit report from the credit reporting agency that your selected lender uses.
5.Repeat step number 4 until you find a report that is favorable to you and shows the least negative entries.
6.The only thing left for you to do is apply to that bank, lender, or other creditor that subscribes to the credit bureau with the most
favorable credit report on you.
Bulldog Tactics So Powerful They’re Devilish!
When you receive your credit report, write down every piece of information that is inaccurate or untrue. Even if an entry is partially true, you may still want to dispute it. Especially if your credit report will be improved as a result.
Read all of the instructions on the back of your credit report very carefully. Symbols may be used for much of the information entered and you will have to understand each one. It’s easy to become confused but the report will include a number you can call if you have a question.
Here are steps you can take to have damaging entries removed from your credit report:
1.Make a list of inaccurate or untrue entries that you find in your credit report.
2.Call the credit bureau and tell the appropriate person that you want to dispute an entry on your credit report.
3.Don’t allow any credit bureau employee to talk you out of proceeding with your appeal. To avoid a distracting confrontation,
don’t even tell them you want to challenge. They won’t initiate any action on your behalf anyway until they receive your appeal request in writing.
4.To initiate the proper appeal procedure, ask the person you speak with to send you a “Dispute Form.”
5.Complete the “Dispute Form” and return it to the credit bureau by certified mail.
6.When the credit bureau receives your written dispute request they will then attempt to verify the dispute you have indicated with the bank, lender, or creditor responsible for having the damaging information listed.
7.You will be notified of their decision within 30-45 days.
This technique will work for you to eliminate negative entries from your credit report for one of two reasons.
1.Most creditors don’t hang on to old files. They either place them in storage or throw them out. That means they won’t be able to easily verify your dispute, if at all!
2.Many other past creditors simply don’t care to waste their time verifying the accuracy of a credit report that isn’t relevant to making money right here and now!
That is the basis of why credit repair clinics were so successful when they came on the scene. They knew from experience that by creating a flood of challenges directly to a credit bureau, sooner or later creditors who continually received inquiries would become frustrated and simply not respond. They also knew that if the credit bureau didn’t receive a response from the creditor they mailed an inquiry to, on your behalf, within 30 days, the damaging remark, by law, had to be removed. Thus, a cleaned-up credit report.
Beware Of Double-Trouble Credit Repair Clinics
“Credit Counseling” and “Commercial Counseling” services are two completely different things. Before you sign any papers that end up causing you even more financial harm, you better know who you are dealing with!
While credit counseling services are generally non-profit, commercial counseling services (clinics) may charge you 10%-15% or more of your total debt. The services provided by the non-profit agency is basically the same as that of the commercial counseling service. So go with the non- profit!
“Grand-Slam Success” Doesn’t Happen By Accident!
Just about everyone at one time or another has experienced some kind of problem with their cash flow. That’s when it became difficult to pay the monthly bills and keep up with credit obligations. When that happens, damaging information may begin to appear in your credit file, and bad times can become even worse.
For many people it becomes difficult, if not impossible, to obtain any further credit just when there is a desperate need for it. Unfortunately, banks, lenders, and other creditors do not extend credit on the basis of need. Credit is swiftly be taken away from anyone who cannot demonstrate they are a good credit risk.
Most people can be successful in overcoming credit rejections. It’s a matter of removing damaging information from a credit report. The problem that most people run into is that they become desperate and will take credit and loans from anyone who sounds good. They get in deeper trouble because they’ve given more credit on terrible terms.
Giving yourself a grand-slam, clean-credit slate doesn’t happen by accident. There are a number of techniques and methods that can be utilized to create or restore a good credit record.
The following information is being provided to you because it’s been successfully used by others. None of this information is being recommended as techniques you should use. If you decide to use any of the information in this report, I recommend that you first consult with an attorney to obtain legal advice.
Tactics & Techniques That Make Collection Agencies Beg For Mercy!
The “Get-Off-My-Back” Wage Earner Plan!
Using Federal Bankruptcy Act, Chapter XIII – Wage Earner Plan, you can file for immediate relief form unmerciful creditors and collection agencies. To be eligible, your monthly bills must exceed your income, and your major income must be earned from a salary or commission.
You can file for the Wage Earner Relief Plan simply by contacting your attorney or the U.S. District Court nearest you. Ask to speak to the person who administers the plan.
Generally within three days of filing, a restraining order will be issued to all of your creditors. This order will:
1.Stop creditors, collection agencies, lenders, or anyone else who has been notified from contacting or harassing you any further.
2.Immediately stop all action against you that had been initiated by creditors. (Note: For this relief plan to work, it must be accepted
by a majority of your creditors. If the majority agrees to the plan,
all others must comply.)
3.Immediately stop interest and late charges from accumulating any further.
Injunctive Relief
“Injuctive Relief” is an effective legal maneuver that can permanently remove damaging information from your credit report. You will, however, probably require the services of an attorney. Here’s how it works.
If you can clearly demonstrate that information appearing in your credit report is inaccurate and is damaging your character, credibility, or ability to obtain credit, you can seek Injunctive Relief through the courts. Once relief is granted, a Judge can order a Credit Bureau to immediately stop reporting any damaging information appearing in your credit report as outlined in the order, until such time as a trial or investigation is conducted.
After you, or your attorney, succeed in persuading a Judge to issue an order for Injunctive Relief, you will have from that moment on until the conclusion of a trial or investigation, to obtain new credit.
The “Here’s Johnny!” Change Of Address Method
Here is another way you can eliminate damaging entries from your credit report:
1.You can magically appear in a completely different part of the country from where you really live, simply by creating a new address for yourself. Just ask a friend or relative to receive your mail at their address and have everything forwarded to that address. The further away, the better. If you don’t know anyone
that lives well out of the area, rent a mail drop location. All of your mail will be forwarded by the mail drop to any address you like.
2.After you have established a new address, you can request a credit report from the bureau that services that particular area. Then apply to lenders that use this bureau. What you will generally find is that the credit bureau you are now dealing with will have a limited ability to verify negative items appearing elsewhere.
Check Bankruptcy Off Your Credit File, By Checking It Out!
The following method of manipulation works (according to some who have used it) when combined with the precious “change of address” method. Just follow these next five steps!
1.Discuss the technique with an attorney who is willing to help.
2.Because bankruptcy is overseen by federal courts, bankruptcy files are kept in the federal archives.
3.Before you apply for credit, have your attorney request to have your file “checked-out” from the federal archives.
4.Using your out-of-state address as described in the previous “change of address” method, follow the normal procedure used for appealing any damaging information appearing on your credit report.
5. As long as your attorney has your bankruptcy file, a credit reporting agency will not be able to verify its contents. If they cannot make verifications within 30 days, they must remove the damaging information form your credit report. Because credit bureaus can request an extension, your attorney may have to
repeat the process several times. It becomes a question of who will tire first. According to those-in-the-know, it’s usually the credit bureau.
Tell Your Side Of The Story And “Smash” Damaging Entries
Another way to challenge and neutralize entries that appear on your credit report is by taking advantage of the “100-Word Consumer Statement.” This method allows you to tell everyone who obtains your report your side of the story. A simple statement may be all it takes to convince a bank, lender or other creditor that a negative piece of information that is appearing in your file, was nothing more than an unfortunate incident that couldn’t be prevented at the time.
For example, you have been laid-off with hundreds of other workers and suddenly found yourself out of work. By telling your side of the story, a lender will understand why you had problems paying off your credit obligations.
Be certain to be sincere, honest, and not too wordy. Never express anger or hatred. Allow creditors to give you the benefit-of-a-doubt, and the credit you deserve. Ask the credit bureau about placing a 100-word consumer statement into your file.
How To Remove A Judgement Through A “Motion To Vacate”
People have reportedly removed damaging entries (such as judgements) from their credit files by using the following method:
1.Hire an attorney who is willing to help you with your goal of having damaging entries removed form your credit file.
2.Ask your attorney to file a motion of Service of Process for the purpose of having a damaging judgement entry removed from your credit file. It may be a weak argument for sure, but in this motion, your attorney will argue that the process was served
improperly. People have reported that this technique will ultimately work in your favor.
3.By filing a motion of “Service of Process” you are forcing a creditor to appear in court with an attorney to prove the initial legal process was done properly.
4.This legal maneuver works in your favor because, if the lender responsible for the judgement (for example) has been paid, why would he or she even want to go through the time and expense of showing up?
5.If you show up and the creditor doesn’t, you will win your case through default. Then you will have the legal ammunition necessary to have the damaging judgement information removed from your credit file.
How To Unconditionally Force Credit Bureaus To Quickly Give You The Advantage By Placing Positive Information Into Your Credit Report
According to Federal Laws enforced by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), if a credit report results in a debtor’s application for credit being denied, that person has the right to add information that will show a more positive credit history.
All you have to do is contact the credit bureau of your choice and ask them to contact a list of banks, lenders, or other creditors whose names you will provide, for the purpose of having the credit information they provide on you added to your credit file. There may be a small fee, but the good news is that you will practically be able to force a credit reporting agency to improve the substance of your file by putting positive entries on your credit report.
The only businesses you should list are those with whom you have had a flawless credit relationship with. Contact the people on your list and let them know a credit reporting agency will be calling or sending them a questionnaire. After information has been received and verified, the bureau can add these positive items to your credit report.
The Equal Credit Opportunity Act & Women
Under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, women have the right to build up their own credit without being discriminated against. Women who do not apply for credit in their own names are at a distinct disadvantage. In the event of a divorce or death of a mate, there wouldn’t be a credit history reflecting any personal contributions.
Under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act there is no reason for women to lose their identity when they are married. You can become familiar with all of your rights as a woman by writing to the following address and asking for your FREE copy of “WOMEN & CREDIT HISTORIES.”
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