profile photo

You may have a profile photo you use for business, social or dating sites. How viewers see your profile photo is pretty important. But how do you know if your photo is being well received? Wouldn’t it be great if you could ask the opinions of hundreds of people of the gender and age range you choose? Well, there’s a website called PhotoFeller that will help. This site helps you get feedback from people of the age and gender you wish. They are asked to vote on your photo about whether your photo looks like you are friendly, likeable, confident and influential. Photofeeler has separate categories for business, social and dating photos and 9 traits you can test for.

It is free if you agree to rate profile photos of others. You will get as much feedback on your photo as you give on others’ photos. If you want a faster feedback, you can buy credits instead of rating other photos. The photos that are voted on are removed when the test is over. Artificial Intelligence watches for careless or low quality votes and eliminates them in real time.

The company has done studies to determine what works in the profile photos. One thing they learned is that sunglasses or anything that blocks a person’s eyes hurts your impression. The other elements of successful profile photos are explored in their blog.